One Simple Way to Get Unstuck

Are you someone who overthinks every problem? How would you feel if you didn't overthink everything? Here's a simple trick that you can use to get out of your own head.

Before we get started, if you are looking for the visual version, you can check out our post on Instagram as well:

Now let’s get started with this quote!

“Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear" - George Addair

Feeling stuck in a situation and overthinking problems is eminently prevalent with many people because of fear. Generally, most people try to avoid what it is they fear even though addressing it will lead them towards greatness.

Too often they allow their fear to stop them from taking action which can be more harmful than moving towards what they fear. In becoming paralyzed by the sensation of fear, they are not allowing themselves to live a life that they truly and genuinely want.

One simple way to get unstuck:

Reframe Problem to Challenge

You can change your perspective by switching the word problem to challenge. This could make a big difference because more often than not the word “problem”, comes with a negative connotation that is holding you back. While on the other hand “challenge” comes with an opportunity for growth and victory.

This simple mindset shift could switch your Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset and turn a problem into an opportunity. It can help you take fear and turn it into excitement!

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