3 Ways to Take More Action

Do you ever find yourself shying away when you feel compelled to take action? If you’ve ever been afraid of taking action in any area, well everyone has, that’s completely normal. We also know that staying stuck and feeling trapped by fear sucks.

What would it look like if your thoughts didn’t stop you from taking action? How would that make you feel?

Today we’re sharing 3 ways to take more action, aka how to stop being a scaredy cat. Let’s start with this quote before we drop down to the 3 tips we recommend.

“Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right.” - Tony Robbins

We get more of what we focus on and move towards right? Instead of talking yourself out of something that seems to bring you to life, why not talk yourself into it? Don’t just focus on all the things that could go wrong and slam the door on what you’re drawn to. Let’s be able to open up doors to new possibilities as well and develop the courage to step through them.

1. Start with one small step.

Sometimes we can have these grand ideas about how we need to approach something or how it has to look or how it’s supposed to feel. That’s too much to process while moving. Instead ask, what is the smallest possible step I can take to move closer towards…?

Whatever you’re being drawn to and yet are afraid of.


2. Use questions to help shift your perspective.

Often, we tend to get stuck in our frame of reference or our perspective. If you’re trapped in a cell, and want to escape, find a way to dismantle it or slip out. A great way to do this is by questioning ourselves. Simply ask yourself, why not, and when you come up with an answer, question that answer, is it absolutely 100% true for you and everyone on the planet?

You may find out what you thought was a steel door is actually just a curtain.

3.  Just Do It! (Make Your Dreams Come True)

This Nike classic is sometimes easier said than done. Two quick ways to approach this. Stack the emotional weight so much in favor of action. Get excited about all the good that could come from you taking action! Or, try being open, admit that you could be wrong, then shush all that noise that’s paralyzing you, open up to learning, and move your body towards your goal!

You are capable of much more and if you want more, if you want to develop courage, and act despite fear, then start with one small step. I hope that this serves you in being bold and taking more action.

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