

All of our trainers are Awesome!

They each have different backgrounds and experiences. All of our trainers have years of experience teaching or leading in another craft before leading as trainers with Shift.

All of our trainers have an ongoing learning experience with Shift Training. Even when they aren’t regularly training with us, they’re improving and learning in their own time. Our trainers are passionate about the process of growth and creating beautiful life experiences. Whether that’s when working with others or working to improve their own lives.

Shift Trainers Care!

Every one of them is different and unique just like you. They have their own approaches to teaching, coaching, and training. They understand that not every person is the same, yet we are all people with similar needs. They will work with you to get the best results from your shift training sessions.

Most importantly, they genuinely care about your growth and will contribute to your well-being as best as they can.