Your Belief System Might Be Obsolete

“Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be.” - Robert Brault

Lawyer and Speaker, Bob Goff, shared an amusing story of how he used to always be late to gatherings when he was younger. 

Then one day during Daylight Savings, he happened to be early. 

The person running the event was so touched with Bob being early that he told Bob “there’s always one kid who’s always early, that’s you.”

Since then, he was never late to anything again. 

We’re always changing and evolving, so instead of thinking about who we are, maybe we should think about who we’re becoming.

Change is inevitable, but growth is optional. 

Parents are told to be present when they’re with their child. “Because when your two year old turns three, you’ll no longer have the same child. Your child will have grown.”

This notion should be true for adults as well. We should continue to grow, well past our childhood. 

Strangely for most of us, there seems to be a time in our teens or adulthood when we stop growing. “Everyday is the same” or “these past 5 years have felt the same” some might say. 

But we can make a conscious effort to ascend from that fixed belief system. 

We can choose to keep evolving, every year. Constantly breaking down bad habits and replacing them with good ones. To do this, we must look inward. 

We must ask ourselves why we have a certain belief system in the first place.

Where did it come from and does it still serve me? Or has it become obsolete? 

Are we truly reflecting or are we being distracted by the fear of missing out?

And finally, we must ask ourselves who might we want to become?

You don’t need to worry about who you are right now. We’re always evolving, and the time will eventually pass. So what’s wrong with arriving a bit early?

And biologically speaking, we are constantly changing as well, whether we know it or not.  Skin cells are continuously being replaced, neural brain connections are shifting and strengthening with each thought.  We are not the same person from a moment ago. 

We’ll always be changing, therefore might as well make that change good, right?

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man” - Heraclitus