It’s All Up To You

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” - Marcus Aurelius

Sometimes, our ideas feel right and we tell others. And sometimes, we want validation, or we just want to share. 

Whatever the reason is, we must remember that multiple perspectives exist. 

What can be true for one person may not be so true for another. 

This also means we cannot be hurt by the words of others either. 

It’s just another perspective. We can choose what we want with it. 

Take it, or leave it. 

So the next time we talk with someone, maybe we can be more curious instead. 

Everyone’s lived a unique life, a life that brings with it a whole new set of experiences and perspectives. Is that not rich information that can be cherished?

Maybe you’ll not only learn, but you’ll make a good friend along the way. And another friend never hurts.