3 Methods To Examine Gratitude

Before we dive in with the deeper meaning of gratitude it is a great idea to define the general meaning of most people's thoughts of gratitude.

Many of us define gratitude as something that good that has happened to our lives. There are a myriad of examples of this such as getting a brand new phone or car, good health, have a loving family and friends, home, and so on. These are all incredible traits to be grateful for because if we are not grateful for what we have we start to compare, criticize, and complain about other people. 

There are many benefits that we can obtain from being grateful and there are 7 scientifically proven that can enhance our life.

  1. It Opens The Door For More Relationship/Social - It acquiesces you to be more compassionate and connect with other people on a deeper level. 

  2. Improves Physical Health - You experience less ache on your body

  3. Enhances Empathy And Reduces Aggression - You start to become more self-aware with your own emotion which helps you to increase your Emotional Intelligence

  4. Improves Sleeping - You’ll experience more rested with the day

  5. Improves Self-Esteem And Confidence - There’s study where athletes who were grateful performed better than those who weren’t grateful.

  6. Increase Mental Strength - If you’ve been through a traumatic experience or break up with a partner. It mitigates some of those unpleasant experiences. Also, some individuals who are experiencing PTSD showed that when they practice gratitude it reduces the symptoms.

Gratitude is the comprehensive quality of being whole. When a person is grateful they attract qualities such as determination, perseverance, patience, integrity, humility, resilience, and discipline. If you wonder how you can cultivate gratitude on a daily basis, here are the 6 easy methods to apply today:

1.) Keep a gratitude journal. 

2.) Write a "thank you" note to someone or to yourself. 

3.) Don't shy away from the negative. 

4.) Start by giving your love to those that love you the most. 

5.) Use social media purposefully 

6.) Volunteer and serve others

Now let’s explore the profound meaning of gratitude and there are 3 deeper meaning gratitude that most people don’t realize. 

Gratitude Includes Being Grateful At All Times

There was a compelling story about a person who applied to Facebook and Twitter who was rejected a couple times and posted on social media that he was grateful for what had happened to him. At first glance of this, many of us will think of this as bizarre because how could he be grateful for something that he was rejected for. This is actually what has helped him to become a successful Entrepreneur because years later this person is Brian Acton the creator of one of the most popular applications that people use in today's society and that is WhatsApp. If he had given up from those rejections at his early career and was not grateful for those low moments in his life, he would’ve never had the notion of creating WhatsApp. This concept of being grateful for any circumstance could be difficult at the beginning that’s why we need to start with the positive ones. It may take some time to get used to the negative, but as you practice you’ll start to recognize that those negative experiences are the ones that significantly improve our lives.

Gratitude Is Being Happy For The Success And Happiness Of Others 

When you are grateful for someone else’s success and happiness you eliminate the thought of being limited. You stop comparing, criticizing, and complaining about others as mentioned earlier. The Universe did not create the world to be something that only 1000 people could be happy and successful in the world, but instead it is a choice that we can make in life. The only person we need to compare is ourselves. We need to celebrate others’ success as inspiration because together we rise, alone we fall.

Gratitude Is A VERB. 

Many of us feel good when people say something nice to us. For example, saying thank you or you look amazing, but how many of us tend to forget them easily? The one that you will most likely not forget is the one that DOES something for you. For instance, when a friend helped you with your personal problem in life. It could be when he or she visited you at the hospital and served you whatever you need during those times. 

Real gratitude shows through action or doing. It is not just a feeling it is a verb. People that had an impact in the world are the ones who sacrificed themselves for humanity. Individuals like Martin Luther King Jr. and Mother Teresa. It is not those who had invented or built stuff, but those who had done something for people.

What aspect in your life that you are most grateful about?

What are you grateful for others' success?

What action have you done that you are grateful for?