3 Ways to Reconnect With Yourself

Have you ever felt like something is off or wrong and you’re not sure what it is? Maybe you have some idea but not sure how to pinpoint it or do something about it. Perhaps there is a lingering feeling of uncertainty in areas of your life where there was more certainty, confidence, or love.

We all can slide out of alignment and become disconnected from our true selves. We can all act “out of character” and fall into the pit of self-doubt.

Today, we’re sharing 3 ways to reconnect with yourself and move back into alignment. Let’s start with this quote before we drop down to the 3 tips we recommend.

"Becoming acquainted with yourself is a price well worth paying for the love that will really address your needs." —Daphne Rose Kingma

It seems to be fairly normal to seek out connection and love from external sources. Perhaps we should spend a little more time connecting with ourselves and the characters we create.

Imagine that we are capable of creating and sharing love. So much love that it just seems to flow out of us or constantly be around us. Imagine that we have the ability to heal ourselves and others but this superpower is turned off. Imagine that the switch to turn it back on is at the center of an elaborate labyrinth and you are already at the center of it, standing next to the switch. In fact, you’re not there alone, but there with several other variations of yourself.

Now if the switch is flipped on, we can have an abundance of love and most of all the good stuff we truly want. Yet, we tend to wait for someone on the outside of the labyrinth to find their way in and turn on the switch for us. Remember, we are standing right next to the switch, with a team of clones. There might be some issues to sort out among them, but they can all get what they want, if you flip the switch.

There may be a combo lock on it, so we have to figure that out, however someone on the outside would have to make their way in, by themselves, and still figure out the combo lock. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like it’ll take way longer than the slowest delivery guy, stuck in traffic, after already waiting over an hour, when you haven’t eaten all day.

1. Create time for yourself. (Check in, not check out)

You could start your morning without touching your cell phone. Perhaps the first 10 or 15 minutes after you wake up, you spend that time with yourself. Take the time to ask how you’re feeling. You can also start the day with gratitude by saying out loud 3 things you’re grateful for.

You could spend some time setting your intention for the day, not in terms of things you have to do. Set your intention with consideration for who you’d like to be today, and what emotions you want to move towards or create space for. One of our favorites is going for a short walk. Go be present in your body with your thoughts and feelings.

Creating time for yourself, IS NOT Netflix or social media scrolling. Time with self means Check in, not Check out. If you’re on a date or at a meeting with yourself, checking out definitely won’t help with the connection. Checking out leads to disconnection, broken communication, feeling lost, and getting whooped for it. Create time for yourself by checking in regularly.


2. Journal about your feelings. (Ask questions)

This is one of our favorites. If you’ve ever looked back at something you wrote, said, or recorded even once, it's likely that you’ve noticed a difference between “that you” and “current you”. I’m recommending journaling for two reasons.

The first is, it gives you a space to lay out your thoughts and feelings so they don’t have to clutter your mind. The second is, when questions are presented after writing out how you feel, with reviewing at another time, you can begin to see what’s really going on for yourself. In most cases, clarity and compassion for ourselves tends to increase when doing this.

Try journaling for 14 days. Which would be a good start, but push beyond that. The further you go the more value you exponentially gain.

3.  Write down your values. (Compare and evaluate)

Sometimes, if we’ve been disconnected for a while or don’t know where things changed, we may have lost sight of our values. We need to really reconnect to them on a mental and emotional level. The first step in that would be to identify them.


Write down whatever your top 5 values are. Keep your language plain and make sure it’s what you sincerely value. Another way to phrase this would be, write out the top 5 things in your life that you want, may want more of, wouldn’t want to live without, and would be willing to sacrifice for.


Some examples:

Honest and vulnerable conversations with people you love.

1 hour of quiet time per day

Sharing laughs and new experiences with friends

Being able to pick up the bill when eating out without worry.

The ability to pursue whatever you choose at your leisure.


Remember, only write down what is valuable to you. Not what you think you have to value, write what you actually appreciate. Then the hard part, place them somewhere you will see them every day. Then daily, until it becomes automatic, ask yourself, did I take a step closer towards my values? How close am I to living out my values? What can I do to get closer to them? Is this list still valid or does something need to be refined or updated?

If you try any of these 3 methods for reconnecting with yourself, to gain greater clarity or insight, let us know what you learn via email or by message on social media. If you’re unsure about what to do with that insight, we’ll be glad to help you with how to info. For now, it’s time to realign, reconnect, and get back on your path.

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