3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Memory

Is your memory holding you back from achieving something amazing and can memory be improved? What causes a forgetful memory? These are a few common questions for people who are struggling with remembering information and consider themselves forgetful. Let’s address this self-limiting belief.

Our brain isn’t fixed or static, its dynamic, living, and can update. The proof is in the gray matter and researchers call this neuroplasticity. As long as you are actively using your brain and learning new things, your brain expands and it improves your memory.

“The more often you share what you've learned, the stronger that information will become in your memory” - Steven Brunkhorst

A great tip on how to retain information is to share them with others because you’re not only learning it once when you attain it, but when you share it you get to learn it twice and this will help you with remembering important information. Just like working out, the more you exercise, the stronger, and better you get.

Here are 3 easy ways on how to to improve your memory and perform at your best.

1. Exercise

There are a plethora of studies that suggest that when you implement exercise to your daily life it improves your memory, better blood flow which means you’ll get more oxygen through your brain, and ultimately as Jim Kwik one of the expert on the brain said, “what’s good for your heart is good for your brain.”


2. Healthy Diet

There is a saying, “You are what you eat.” If you eat food that isn't nourishing your brain, then we can’t perform at our best, but on the other hand, if we feed our brain with nutritious food we can expect an improvement with our memory.

3. Sleep

This is the most important thing in getting the most out of your energy. It doesn’t matter if you had a great exercise or ate an excellent diet if you lack sleep, nothing matters because your brain won’t function properly and you’ll feel sluggish throughout the day.

In improving any one of these or all three, you’ll be able to remember more and forget less in no time!

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