How to Get Extraordinary Results

How do you prioritize your life and achieve an extraordinary result? Why is it so important to start small? The key here is to prioritize that “One Thing” and everything else will be easier or unnecessary.

“What’s the One Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” - Gary Keller

Life is a question. The quality of our questions determine the quality of the answer.

If we ask the wrong question, we get the wrong answer, we ask the right question, we get the right answer, and most importantly if we ask a powerful question we possibly could alter our life and change it for the better.

Our life is based on the questions we ask on a daily basis and we need to start to become cognizant of it because this will determine where our life would be.

Obviously this is a challenge because we need to seek the right questions and this quote I believe is what will move that tipping point. Just by asking, “What’s the One Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

What’s one thing that you can do to move closer towards your values. If you know your values and align yourself with them, your life will be more meaningful and fulfilling.

It’s about creating a domino effect in your life

The secret to achieving extraordinary results is all about prioritizing the small simple task for your big goal.

Creating a new habit is not about doing the big task straight away because this could be overwhelming and not the most effective way to do things. Many people fail to create a new habit simply because it’s too big and they haven’t developed the right mental muscle yet.


Creating a successful and extraordinary result requires patience, determination, and focus. Without these 3 factors it can be extremely difficult to achieve your goals.

Most successful individuals know and do this. They set up or line up their priorities anew, find the lead domino and hit it until they all fall. The key is overtime. Success is built sequentially and one thing at a time.

By having this idea in mind, what small actions are going to do today in order to move toward that big goal?

Have an amazing day!

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